of tanks and containers

The objective of the tasks of deactivation and inertisation of fuel tanks and containers is to regulate the actions on the tanks that are disused or are going to be  removed from service, which have been used for the storage of liquid petroleum products (LPP).

The deactivation or inertisation of tanks can only be performed by authorised professionals like Rafibra, who have the LPP III licence.

Foam filling of underground fuel tanks regulates the actions on the tanks that are disused or are going to be removed from service, which have been used for the storage of liquid petroleum products (LPP).

Traditionally, materials like concrete, sand or water were used for the inertisation of tanks and containers.

However, today there is a much more advanced and suitable material to perform these tasks of deactivation and inertisation: a white foam formed by resin from the aminoplastic family.

Using this underground tank filling foam, Rafibra achieves the inertisation of disused tanks and containers cleanly, quickly, without complications and always complying with current regulations.

Moreover, the biggest advantage of this substance is its capacity to absorb the hydrocarbons that may be released in the event of a leak.

For this reason, it is perfect for the inertisation of tanks and containers in urban areas like garages, warehouses, basements, etc.


Foam filling system for underground fuel tanks